Alula Gold Delicateeze 0-12 Months Infant Formula 850g

৳ 4,320

Delivery in 7-10 Business days.

Size : 850g

Made in Mexico

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S-26 is now Alula.New name. Same formulation.Alula S-26 Gold DelicateEze is a unique formulation for delicate tummies to help ease constipation and colic.Not suitable for general use and should be used under medical supervision.

S-26 is now Alula.
New name. Same formulation.

Alula S-26 Gold DelicateEze is a premium, nutritionally complete, specialty infant formula for babies from birth with delicate tummies who may experience digestive discomfort from time to time. It is formulated to aid digestive malabsorption with an enriched level of sn-2 palmitate to help ease constipation (soften stools) and a reduced* level of lactose to help ease colic.

It continues to support your baby through the time when solids are being introduced at around 6 months, as a well-balanced diet is important.

*compared to our standard infant formulas.

Not recommended for infants with cow’s milk protein allergy or lactose intolerance.

As it is a specialty formula, consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended before use to ensure Alula S-26 Gold DelicateEze is suitable for your baby.

Not suitable for general use and should be used under medical supervision.

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Baby Formula

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